birthday celebration rules

In the PROTO exhibition hall, magical fantasy worlds in virtual reality and wonderful inventions await, which will take adventurers high into the air, deep into the earth’s crust and into underwater worlds. SIt’s a birthday party where you can fly in a hot air balloon, visit the lost Atlantis and race around the city on an air bike! The birthday ends with a sweet birthday cake or pretzel, which you can take with you according to the wishes of the birthday child.

In the PROTO discovery factory, many scientists and their little assistants are busy at the same time. Any important work needs the right atmosphere to achieve fantastic results. Please help create it together with us by following good practices.


Number of participants: up to 18 people.
Additional ticket: 11€ per person (additional tickets can be purchased on-site, no need to pre-order).
Price includes: entry to the PROTO Discovery Factory for 18 people.

  • Enjoy 2 hours of use of the party room + 15 minutes of preparation time + 15 minutes of cleaning time.
  • Visit all the exhibits in the PROTO Discovery Factory for 18 people (including both adults and children).
  • After the end of the birthday party, guests are allowed to continue exploring in the exhibition hall until closing time.


Book your birthday and catering early so that we can guarantee you the day you want and arrange catering if you wish.

  •   A 100% advance payment of the price of the birthday package and catering (if already ordered) is required to confirm the reservation.
  •   In case of cancellation 14 calendar days before the date of the birthday, we offer a new day for the birthday or return the advance payment in full.
  •   In case of cancellation less than 14 calendar days before the event, we offer an option to book a new day on a free date for your birthday. No advance payment in this case to be returned.
  •  By paying in advance, you agree to the birthday celebration rules.


  •   Salty food is ordered from the PROTO birthday menu.
  •   If desired, the birthday child offers a cake/pretzel that he/she has brought.
    Notice! Own food is not allowed.
  •   When ordering salty food, we also offer disposable dishes for the birthday cake you bring .
  • Ordering catering and making changes (in the number of people) no later than 4 working days before the birthday.


  • Eating is only allowed in the birthday area. No food in the exhibition hall.
  • Please wash your hands thoroughly after eating, as visiting the exhibition hall with dirty fingers will spoil the exhibits.
  • The birthday rooms have tables, chairs and vases, and the Tigr and Leopard rooms also have a sink.


  • How to get there and parking information can be found here.
  • Arrive at the house early enough to set up the room. 15 minutes are allotted for this.
  • Place the guests’ clothes in the wardrobe located in the lobby on the 1st floor.
  •  The birthday child or parent waits for the guests at the checkout, where they distribute tickets to everyone and lead them to the birthday room.
  • Late guests can get their tickets from the checkout. Please return the wristbands of the latecomers to the cashier.


  • In the exhibition hall, there are tour guides in dark blue coats who guide the children if necessary.
  • We ask the parent to keep an eye on the children at the center throughout the birthday and help if necessary. The program leader does not accompany the birthday children separately.
  • Please be careful when using candles.
  • The use of a volcano candle is not allowed.
  • Use the birthday room furniture sparingly and notify PROTO staff if anything gets dirty or breaks.


  • Please explain to all children the rules of polite behavior and safety.
  • Other birthday guests and visitors are present in the house, so please treat everyone kindly.
  • We recommend wearing flat shoes without heels for more comfort while moving around and using the exhibits.
  • It is more convenient for people who wear glasses to use virtual reality glasses with lenses.


  • The birthday room must be cleaned up within 15 minutes.
  • Please vacate the room on time so we can prepare it for the next birthday party.
  • Restore the room to its original condition upon arrival.
  • Dispose of trash in the designated bins.
  • Make sure you have taken all personal belongings with you.
  • Lost and found items will be taken to the reception after the birthday party.


If you have any questions, write to or call 627 6660.